Contact Us

General Inquiries or Suggestions

Thank you very much for visiting our page! As the authors of this page, we hope you like what you have read so far. If not, we are always open to suggestions. While we are mostly here to share our stories with you, we also want to make your experience as enjoyable as possible. If you have any suggestions on how we could improve our website, please contact us and let us know! The same goes for any destinations that you think we should visit. Of course, we have our own bucket lists, but we do not want to miss out on any great destinations. Should you notice a link that is not working, it is possible that we do not even know about it and we would much appreciate it if you could make us aware of that link and which page you are on where the link is not working.

For any suggestions, reports of broken links or general inquiries, please send us an E-mail at

Collaborate with Us or Become a Sponsor

If you or your business is interested in collaborating with us on a project or sponsoring us in some way, please contact us via email or Instagram with your proposal. Please keep in mind that we strictly accept proposals that align with our content and which do not take away from the authenticity of our brand. We frequently recommend hotels, restaurants, rental cars and transportation options, useful travel items, tours, programs and anything that saves travelers money without taking away from their overall experience. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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